Monday, April 28, 2008

Spring Fever

I guess I must have spring fever. Katie was over this weekend, and all the girls wanted to do was play outside. I took the tiller and tilled the garden twice, then fertilized it, then tilled it again, then I made furrows. Then, since I couldn't resist, I just planted it and was done with the garden. Hopefully, it won't freeze. Then borrowed Charlie's weedwhacker, which he thought was dead, and got it running, and trimmed around the house and the fence. Then I round-upped the weeds in the driveway and the alley behind the house. Then, decided to finish off the fertilizer by fertilizing the lawns. Started watering lawn to work the fertilizer in, and finally finished that last night. Also had to put up a fence around the garden to keep four legged and two legged beasts out of it. KaraDawn kept pretty busy in the house doing some cleaning and taking advantage of all the girls being outside with me. Sydney wore herself out toddling around and exploring the microcosm that is our backyard. Katie's great-grandma passed away Friday, so I have a viewing tomorrow night, and the funeral on Wednesday to go to. Been busy enough, I guess. Tonight, I'm either going to mow the lawn, or clean out the shed. The pictures are of the truck that got hit by the train in front of our house, and one of Karly all worn out from playing dress up.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm Back

I made it back from Challis Thursday afternoon. It wasn't too bad. They figured, going by how long it took others, that a round would take us about an hour and a half to haul a load. Funny thing: We don't mess around like others; we did rounds in 50-55 minutes. Needless to say, we got done a lot sooner than expected. I then worked part of Friday in Idaho Falls, hauling to the new Snake River Landing. (where Monroc used to be) As I come home, now used to the increased traffic on our street due to a detour while they redo the bridge on the main road, I see 4 fire engines and 4 state police vehicles and the street blocked off in front of my house. I then noticed the train buried into the side of a truck. I get inside, and discover that everyone in the house, except Karly had literally slept right through a train wreck. lol. Anyway, that's all the excitement we've had lately. Later, All!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Be right back.

Well, I'm off to Challis tomorrow at 4 in the morning. I'll update the blog when I get home. I'm not really looking forward to this trip. Aside from the fact that I'll miss KD and the girls horribly, it's dumping snow as I type. Our lawn has disappeared under a blanket of white yet again, today. I should be back Thursday night or Friday, everything permitting. Take care, everyone, and see you soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Challis on hold

Well, technically, I had today off. Since I was supposed to be going to Challis for a couple of days, starting tomorrow, I decided to go into work for a few hours to get my truck ready. I greased it, which took an hour and a half wallowing in the dirt. Then I took it over to the shop, and took the pressure washer to it. Dang! My truck is white. Not the brown I thought was its normal color. Anyway, after getting hot, high pressure, muddy water splashed on me for another hour and a half, I had had enough. My truck and trailer were now white, but I myself was now brown. Now my truck looked decent for the long highway runs we would be doing in Challis. But, no! My boss called later and told me we weren't going to go to Challis to do that job until Monday. So, tomorrow, I get to take my freshly cleaned truck and drive it through, (since it snowed and rained,) a nice muddy job site for the next two days. Since they'll only pay us once a week to wash our truck, I guess I'll have to drive a brown truck in Challis next week. Anyway, I love the spring weather in Idaho!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Back to work, finally.

Well, it appears I'm finally officially back to work. I get to pack up and go to lovely Challis, Idaho for a couple of days this week. Sounds fun, huh? Not really, but I guess I'll do what I have to do. Still fighting the remnants of the bug that I've had for over a week, so some days are good, others less so. The girls are adjusting to daddy going back to work. It's so cute when I come home now, and have 2 girls come running to the door to give me a hug. KD has been doing some spring cleaning, and taking care of the girls, and keeping me in line, sort of. lol. Anyway, things are ok here, and hopefully will get better as I get back to work full time, and bills, etc. become less of a worry. TAFN

Friday, April 4, 2008

Seasons changing

Jack came home on Wednesday. We're so glad to have him back. Karly won't leave him alone, and Sydney keeps following him around and trying to give him hugs. He seems subdued, though. He's not as playful as he used to be. I wonder what horror stories the other dogs at the shelter told him? We hope he returns to normal soon. I worked for a whole 6 hours yesterday, and get to do the same on Monday. I thought I was getting over my cold, but yesterday it was once again worse, and working didn't help much. I finally gave in and went to the doctor today. Funny thing. Looking at the doctor's records, it turns out I get sick once in October or November and once again in March or April. At least for the last 4 years anyway. Same thing, too. Bronchitis and a sinus infection. Doctor says its probably my allergies acting up at first, and that weakens my system enough to get it every dang time. Sydney was playing peek a boo with Tigger and Toby today. It was so cute. Katie and Mandy are coming for the weekend, so it's going to be a busy one.