Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, it was a great Memorial Day weekend for us. We drove out to Monteview on Saturday, and visited my friend Levi for a little bit. Then we went to visit mom's grave in Terreton. Tom and Emily and their kids, Charlie and Gayle, and Heidi and Dad joined us. Afterwards we went to dad's house. There we visited with aunt Beth. The kids wore out dad and Heidi with all their requests for four-wheeler rides. We rode the four-wheelers and motorcycles and had a lot of fun. We also got to see dad's new toy. I dug up some lilacs at dad's to tranplant to my yard, they were ones originally from Grandpa and Grandma Mecham's house. On the way home, we put some flowers on Brittany's grave in Rigby. Monday morning, I managed to mow the lawn and plant the lilacs just before it started to rain. It rained all the rest of the day. Being bored, I then got out the clippers and proceeded to give Jack a hair cut. He flinched at the wrong time, and lost most of his beard, so now he really looks like a chihuahua. Other than that, we just spent the time playing and watching movies with the kids this weekend. We had a lot of fun, and got a lot of relaxing in. One of the best Memorial Day weekends I can remember.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

An infrequent update

Here's another infrequent update to the blog. Not a whole lot going on right now. I've finally started working what I consider full time. That is about 60 or more hours a week. Guess how much time that leaves me to do things around the house? KaraDawn is watching a lady down the street's kids during the week, and that keeps her busier than she would like at times. Other than that, I'm just keeping busy, and currently fighting the worst case of allergies I have ever experienced.