Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cabin Fever

I think I'm getting a touch of cabin fever. I still haven't gotten everything done that I wanted to get done this winter, but I am very ready to go back to work. We had Karly's birthday on Saturday, and it was fun. Karly was sad she didn't get to see her cousins on her birthday due to an outbreak of chicken pox. I've just been killing time on the computer lately, and being way too dang lazy.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Another post....just kidding.

Another post in less than a month? I'm on a roll. Not a whole lot going on, just kids growing, fighting, screaming, and driving their parents nuts. We've really enjoyed spending a lot more time outdoors with our neighbors and their kids this year. Between the little 4-wheeler and the snowmobile, we've about worn out the snow in our yard. Other than passing a cold around our family, we're doing pretty good. Just hoping to get back to work soon.