Friday, August 8, 2008

Rough Times

It's been a rough year at HK. I've been getting about 25 to 30 hours of work a week. 40 hours just covers the bills. It seems we're just sinking lower and lower, and getting further and further behind. The calls and threats come in daily. I've thought about finding a different job, but with KD's medicine being about $600 a month if we don't have insurance, I just don't know what to do. Other than that, we're all doing ok. The kids are growing and changing daily, it seems. KaraDawn has spent so much time having fun with them this summer, that sometimes I feel like a third wheel (and a little bit jealous.) Aside from the usual child tantrums, I have such wonderful children and a great wife. I still wonder what I did to deserve the wonderful wife, the beautiful children, the great siblings, and the incredible parents that I was somehow blessed with.


TomandEmily said...

Sorry things aren't going so well for you with work. Good to see you haven't completely left the blogging world. You're definitely right about your family. Hope things start going better. I'll keep praying for you.

TomandEmily said...

Are you ever coming back???

The Buttars said...

Ya no kidding... when are you going to post more info. Picture of all of you would be great!!!