Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I had a 7:00 kick off meeting this morning for HK. Same sh!t they feed you all the time. They promise to improve things, put more money in your pocket, but don't want to change the things they do that suck that money right back out, since you should be grateful to work there. Since I work full time seasonal, I still don't get any holiday pay, or vacation time. Your vacation time is considered the winter when you spend the time hoping that whatever you managed to save up, and you get for unemployment will make ends meet. Let me tell you what...they dont' by a long shot. They better get me back to work and full time within three weeks, or I'm looking for another job. By that time I'll be in danger of losing my house, and no job that treats my loyalty like it is expected of me is worth that. I really enjoy the work I do, and the people I work with on a daily basis, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyway, sorry for the rant, but I'm tired of pie crust promises from employers. Funny my previous employer had an ad in the paper looking for workers, pay DOE. I did spend almost 4 years there.....HMMM............

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