I'll give a go at starting a blog here. Don't know if it'll be very entertaining or interesting, but I've started one. I finished putting lights up in our living room today. When we moved into our house, there was a switch that didn't do anything. I thought it should run an outlet to have a lamp come on, as there was no ceiling mounted lights in our living room due to the fact that we have a lovely radiant heat grid covering the whole ceiling under the spackle. It didn't seem to run any outlets. Three hours of staring at wires later, I figured out that someone had put in a new switch who didn't know what the heck they were doing. They simply plugged wires till the the outlets, etc. worked, and left it at that. After finally figuring out how it should be wired, what do you know, one of the outlets in our living room was controlled by that switch. Too bad it was the outlet for the aquarium and the computer. Had to do a bit or rewiring to get constant power to them at this point. Anyway, after a full day of chasing wires and a couple of headaches on Saturday, I finished mounting 3 wall lights in our living room so that we don't have to try to find a lamp in the dark to get light in the living room. KaraDawn is very happy with the new lights. I've been busy on the house on a budget the past few days. I put in a vinyl entry way in by the front door, removing the grungy carpet that collected water and mud. I put in a new bathroom light fixture, so that now there's enough light in the bathroom to see your face. I also bought enough of the same vinyl I did the entry way in to also do the bathroom floor at a later date. The lights, vinyl, wire, and everything cost me a whopping $120 give or take, but the hours of climbing up and down the ladder, wiggling through the beams in the attic, and frustration with wiring..................I was pretty tired this last weekend.
The floor looks good. I'm impressed. One thing though - you better be careful what you do around the house or Karadawn is going to start expecting it!
Good to see you started a blog!
My you are industrious. Wish things were going better for you with your work situation. Thanks for going over to Andy's for me the other day. Hope your day goes well today.
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